About Course
Do you want to become a programmer? Do you want to learn how to create games, automate your browser, visualize data, and much more?
If you’re looking to learn Python for the very first time or need a quick brush-up, this is the course for you!
The best part? Python is one of the easiest coding languages to learn right now. It doesn’t matter if you have no programming experience or are unfamiliar with the syntax of Python. By the time you finish this course, you’ll be an absolute pro at programming!
This course will cover all the basics and several advanced concepts of Python. We’ll go over:
- The fundamentals of Python programming
- Writing and Reading to Files
- Automation of Word and Excel Files
- Web scraping with BeautifulSoup4
- Browser automation with Selenium
- Data Analysis and Visualization with MatPlotLib
- Regex parsing and Task Management
- GUI and Gaming with Tkinter
- And much more!