About Course
‘Transport Management’ in VISION provides training on how to become transportation professionals in highway, railway, marine, aviation, and urban transportation in order to fill the needs of national infrastructure, construction and economic development. For the beginners the course focuses on fundamental transportation courses as the longitude and analytical management courses as the latitude, whereas advanced courses emphasize not only the theoretical aspects of transportation studies, but also their interdisciplinary relations, technology and practicality. Emphasis is also placed upon the cultivation of trainee’s ability to implement systems analysis, the use of transportation planning software, and actual case studies. It includes management of transportation operations of all types, including tracking and managing every aspect of vehicle maintenance, fuel costing, routing and mapping, warehousing, communications, EDI implementations, traveler and cargo handling, carrier selection and management, accounting.
Facility Management
‘Facility management’ in VISION provides training on an interdisciplinary field primarily devoted to the maintenance and care of commercial or institutional buildings, such as hotels, resorts, schools, office complexes, sports arenas or convention centers. Duties may include the care of air conditioning, electric power, plumbing and lighting systems; cleaning; decoration; grounds keeping and security. Some or all of these duties can be assisted by computer programs. These duties can be thought of as non-core or support services, because they are not the primary business (taken in the broadest sense of the word) of the owner organization. It is the role of the facility management function (whether it is a separate department or small team) to coordinate and oversee the safe, secure, and environmentally-sound operations and maintenance of these assets in a cost effective manner aimed at long-term preservation of the asset value
Warehouse Management
‘Warehouse management’ in VISION provides training on the key part of the supply chain and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking. The systems also direct and optimize stock putaway based on real-time information about the status of bin utilization. This course covers the functionality and setup needed to successfully process put away, picking, and replenishment functions within a warehouse. It includes how to set up a warehouse, locations, location profiles, item unit of measure definitions, and movement instructions and also learn how to process sales orders, purchase orders, and work orders. It includes,
Supply Chain Management
‘Supply Chain Management’ in VISION provides a framework for understanding the strategic design and management of supply chains. In the wake of intense global competition, firms need to develop supply chain strategies and logistical capabilities that serve the specific needs of their customers whilst maximizing overall profitability. The course reviews how firms manage their supply chains in order to gain a competitive advantage. Designed for managers and senior planners, responsible for supply chain management, demand management, production planning, purchase planning, or stock control, this course provides 15 tools & techniques for understanding, resolving the issues, designing and implementing better supply chain management processes & an appraisal of modern trends in supply chain management.